Fountain Workshops organized by Michael Ano
Sunday, June 21: 2-4 PM Wishing Well
Sunday, June 28: 2-4 PM UAG
Performance by Nuttaphol Ma
Sunday, June 28 at 4 PM
WISHING WELL 2.0 with Michael Ano
Sunday, June 21: 2-4 PM
REVISIONS MUST SOMETIMES BE MADE. Fountains have historically been a meeting place for friends, family, and lovers- being a vital source of fresh drinking water and sustaining life to the community. AS INDOOR PLUMBING BECAME MORE READLY AVAILABLE FOUNTAINS BECAME OBJECTS OF ARCHITECTURAL VANITY. For many early Europeans the fountain and its potable drinking water were a gift from the gods and so visitors would often leave offerings to appease or entice them. HOW DO WE APPEASE/ENTICE AN INFANT- MAKING BLIND OFFERINGS AND SHINEY DISTRACTIONS? Meditating on the tradition of throwing coins into a well Michael Ano asks: what is a wish? why do we dream? what do we wish for? are these wishes actualized? IF WE TELL OUR WISHES WILL WE BE UNFULFILLED?Join Michael Ano for a conversation and workshop around wishing- contemplating its potential for small actions, a hope for a “better” future, personal gain, and other more sinister notions. After the workshop all offerings will be donated to a local charity.
In reaction to the funding cut and subsequent firing of staff and closure of UC San Diego's University Art Gallery by their current administration, Trevor Amery has liberated a four-foot by four-foot section of wall from the gallery and is continuing programming despite the loss of the historic physical space. This is not a singular event; it is one of several gestures in reaction to an ethos of institutional ignorance, favor for the valuation of private sector concerns over cultural development, and lack of transparency currently being experienced within the university art world.
UAG with Trevor Amery
Sunday, June 28: 2-4 PM
The UAG is now a mobile gallery focused on maintaining "an ongoing commitment to innovative forms of public programming, exhibition, and public intervention. It incorporates artistic and organizational practices that both include, and expand the terrain beyond, the traditional process and form of the art exhibition." (text quoted from the University Art Gallery webpage on UCSD's website)
Trevor Amery invites artists and curators to contact him and submit proposals at
Passages of our Inner Longing a performance by Nuttaphol Ma
Sunday, June 28: 4 PM
As part of summertimeshift, Nuttaphol Ma activates the crawl space underneath the Summercamp House with a video installation of a lemongrass’s journey from the inner sounds of a cave dwelling to the sea. Ma’s cultivation of store-purchased lemongrass back to life from 01 Mar 2015 - 01 Apr 2015 navigates the process of becoming. The exhibition closes with Ma’s performance of transplanting the lemongrass into a hand-crafted plant bed within the Summercamp grounds.
summertimeshift runs from June 14th—June 28th, 2015
Featuring works by:
Michael Ano
Deborah Aschheim
Neha Choksi
Kohl King
Nuttaphol Ma
Anna Mayer
David Prince
Emily Sudd
and Billy Kheel in Guestroom
Hours by appointment, please contact