Fatima was building away since the fireworks on the 4th so Luditte Fallacy could have stairs for everyone to make their way from Nicola Vruwink's sculptures to Randall Foster and Ichiro Irie's shelter.
This weekend, he and one half of Luddite Fallacy's GoatSpace artists, Tom Norris travel to Joshua Tree to install works in Shangrila 2013: Burrito Deluxe organized by Steven Bankhead and Jesse Benson.
August 30-September 1
Artists and schedule include:
Rhiannon Aarons
Amy Radio
Animal Charm
Merwin Belin
Big Girls
MC Sky Burchard
Michelle Chong
Ted Byrnes and Nick Deyoe
Justin Cole
Greg Lenczycki
Alan Nakagawa
AJ Collins
Molly Corey
Mark Desiderio
DJ Debbie Downer
Earth Like Planets
Alex Becerra
Diana-Sofia Estrada
John Hogan
Sarah Peterson
Guan Rong
Women vs. Children
Thor Evensen
DJ Mark X Farina
Quinn Gomez-Heitzeberg & Astri Swendsrud
Hannah Greely
Daniel Handal
David Hendren
Gladys-Katherina Hernando
Nora Jean Petersen
Fay Ray
Chas Higginbottom
Cannon Hudson
Malisa Humphrey
Ricardo Ibarra
Natalie Jones
Bridget Kane
Farrah Karapetian
Becky Koblick
Jamie Isenstein
Sonia Leimer
Faris McReynolds
Jessica Minckley
Joshua Nathanson
Davida Nemeroff
Net Shaker
Bret Nicely
D’Ette Nogle
Tom Norris
One Finger Riot
Shalini Patel
Josh Peters
Renee Petropoulos
Ben Pruskin
Chadwick Rantanen
Mark Roeder
Svetlana Romanova
Asha Schechter
Elana Scherr
Nicolas Shake
Summercamp’s ProjectProject presents:
Inside Job – with Fatima Hoang
The Softest Handshake
DJ Jan Tumlir
Torbjorn Vejvi
Chris Wilder
Taylor Zepeda
Rodd Zinberg
site hosted by Drew Dunlap
Elephant stage:
7:00-8:00 Elephant curated performers
8:00-8:45 Supper
8:45-10:30 Elephant curated performers
10:45-11:15 Net Shaker
11:30-12:00 Elephant curated performers
2:00-2:30 D'Ette Nogle
Freight Container stage:
2:45-3:30 DJ Mark X Farina
3:45-4:15 Justin Cole
4:30-5:00 Amy Radio
5:15-5:45 Alan Nakagawa
Elephant stage:
6:30-7:00 Ted Byrnes and Nick Deyoe
7:15-7:45 The Softest Handshake
8:00-8:30 Bret Nicely
8:45-9:15 Greg Lenczycki
Location TBA:
9:30-9:45 Renee Petropoulos
Elephant stage:
10:15-10:45 Earth Like Planets
11:00-11:30 One Finger Riot
Location TBA:
11:45-12:15 Animal Charm
Elephant stage:
12:30-1:00 DJ Mark X Farina
1:15-2:15 DJ Jan Tumlir
2:30-3:30 DJ Debbie Downer
11:00 Breakfast
1:00 Integratron Sound Bath ($20 each)
Friday evening Supper will provide foods from the imagined hybrid landscapes of Tibet and the Gobi desert.
Hot Dogs served Saturday evening.
Provided food free while it lasts. Otherwise, BYOF.
Camping free onsite.